

Bulletproof is a brand founded by Dave Asprey who promotes the philosophy of biohacking, which involves making small changes to your lifestyle to enhance physical and mental performance. The brand offers a range of products including coffee, supplements, protein bars, and MCT oil that are designed to improve brain and body function. Bulletproof's coffee is made with low-toxin beans that are tested for mold and mycotoxins, which can negatively impact cognitive function. The brand claims that their coffee results in a more sustained energy boost and better focus compared to traditional coffee. Furthermore, Bulletproof's supplements are designed to provide the body with essential nutrients that may be lacking in a typical Western diet. Their protein bars are made with high-quality ingredients such as collagen protein that is known to support joint and skin health. The brand also offers MCT oil, which is a type of fatty acid that can be rapidly converted into ketones and used by the brain and body for energy. Bulletproof suggests that these products can help improve mental clarity, increase energy, and enhance physical performance.
