Orange Juice Chewable C Natural Orange & Honey Plus Bioflavonoids

Altrum Orange Juice Chewable C Natural Orange & Honey Plus Bioflavonoids - vitamin c supplement

Product Type

vitamin c supplement

Packaging Size

150.0 Tablet(s)

Serving Size

3.0 Tablet(s)


vitamin c500.0mg


"The Altrum Nutritional Line was founded by my dad, A.J. Amatuzio, to ensure our health, and help us reach our fullest potential. We continue this proud family tradition today with our Orange Juice Chewable C." Lyn Amatuzio Vitamin C is needed every day by everyone, regardless of age. The body cannot manufacture nor store Vitamin C, a fresh supply must be ingested daily. Food sources lose "C" through exposure to heat, light and air. A daily Vitamin C supplement is essential to continued good health. Our Orange Juice - Chewable C is a tasty way to increase your daily Vitamin C intake. PRODUCT CODE DOJ-01 For A Healthier, More Abundant Life



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