Amplified Leucine Complex Grape Blast

GNC Pro Performance AMP Amplified Leucine Complex Grape Blast - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

42.0 Soft Chew(s)

Serving Size

2.0 Soft Chew(s)




calories from fat5.0
total fat0.5g
total carbohydrate4.0g
prickly pear pad fruit skins extract1000.0mg
sicilian blood orange extract100.0mg


AMPlify your recovery and lean muscle-building goals with this revolutionary formula available in convenient great-tasting chews. New Clinically researched Maintaining Insulin Balance Opuntia extract (prickly pear cactus) has been shown to support a healthy insulin response.* Maintenance of insulin balance is crucial for supporting lean muscle development and recovery along with carbohydrate metabolism.* Together, opuntia and leucine have been shown to boost insulin post-exercise. Insulin is key for shuttling nutrients to the muscles and helps restore glycogen stores. A boost in insulin post-exercise plays a key role in leucine and amino acid absorption and delivery of nutrients to muscle cells to support anabolism and recovery.* Protecting Muscle Cells The exotic fruit extract, Sicilian Blood Orange, is becoming one of the most well-known supplements among athletes for its recovery and muscle cell-protecting benefits.* This rare extract will help protect muscle cells from toxic free radicals that attack muscle during intense workouts.* The Sicilian Blood Orange will also lower oxidative stress in athletes to support greater recovery.* Natural flavors Products bearing this logo have been tested for banned substances by HFL Sport Science, a world-class anti-doping lab. Product was tested for over 145 banned substances on the 2014 World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Prohibited List via HFL skip lot testing protocol #ICP0307. See for more information. {Chart} Servings Goal 1 Fuels muscles, recovery and performance 2 Helps replenish muscle glycogen stores and supports muscle protein synthesis Muscle-Fueling Amino Leucine is one of the most important amino acids to fuel muscle growth, recovery and performance.* This crucial branched chain amino acid helps support the preservation of glycogen in the muscle.* When combined with protein, leucine has been shown to support strength and power workouts and may have more performance-enhancing benefits when compared to taking protein alone.* Leucine also helps spare the muscle tissue from breaking down from intense training.* Therefore, the body will be able to focus on more useful energy sources like carbohydrates and fats.* CODE 791302 IOG


Adds a dietarily insignificant amount of sugar. - Convenient great-tasting anabolic chew with 3g Leucine to spare muscle breakdown & fuel lean muscle + ingredients to enhance recovery - Scientifically backed Opuntia Extract modulates insulin to support Leucine's impact on muscle protein synthesis - Features Sicilian Blood Orange extract to protect muscle cells from intense training Contains: Soybeans. Amplified Leucine Complex was developed with one of the most important amino acids for lean muscle building, leucine, along with the new and trending ingredients to fuel muscle recovery optunia and Sicilian Blood Orange Extract.


Keep out of reach of children. Discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery. Contains: Soybeans. Warning: Consult your physician prior to using this product if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition.

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