Black Powder Fruit Explosion

MRI Black Powder Fruit Explosion - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

1.76 lb
15.0 g

Serving Size

1.0 Scoop(s) [20g]




calories from fat0.0
total fat0.0g
saturated fat0.0g
trans fat0.0g
total carbohydrate11.0g
dietary fiber0.0g
proprietary blend for size recovery3000.0mg
proprietary blend for strength power2000.0mg
proprietary blend for stamina and endurance1101.0mg
proprietary blend for muscle energy metabolism879.0mg
proprietary blend of insulin sensitizers520.0mg
proprietary blend of neuromodulators for focus intensity202.0mg


"INSTANT RELEASE" NOS UP-REGULATING PRE-TRAINING FORMULA 950% MORE NITRIC OXIDE INSTANT RELEASE TECHNOLOGY! *Strength *Intensity *Stamina *Energy *Size *Recovery *Focus *Pumps *Power U.S. PATENT PENDING THE ADVANTAGE: 950% More Nitric Oxide - "Instant Release!" Black Powder is the first and only pre-training formula to employ the powerful NOS Up-regulating whey "peptide fraction" ACTINOS2, delivered with MRI's "Instant Release" (IR) technology. Now you get the over-whelming advantage of an instant surge of 950% more nitric oxide, combined with the most scientifically potent pre-workout compounds delivered in ratios measured to precise gram-molecular specification.* THE SCIENCE: Driving Performance and Size to New Levels Scientifically, nitric oxide forms the basis for both performance and size. Nitric oxide dilates the blood channels that deliver vital training and recovery nutrients to your muscle cells. In addition, nitric oxide signals and regulates muscle growth, muscle contraction, and metabolic adaptation to training. Until now, nitric oxide had a "pre-set" limit. Not any longer. Thanks to MRI's innovative ACTINOS2IR, Black Powder creates an immediate surge in nitric oxide levels, 950% higher than previously attainable. In an instant, Black Powder's performance/size nutrient complex floods your muscle cells in volumes never believed possible. Your body's performance and growth signals amplify in both frequency and duration, starting at your first set! Your strength, intensity, and focus hit levels they've never known. Your recovery starts before you even leave the gym. That's why with Black Powder, you'll get the most outrageously intense workout of your life, and you'll have the super-dilated skin-ripping pumps to prove it!* The ACTINOS2IR "INSTANT RELEASE" TRAINING EFFECT Pre-Training Formula, Powered by an Instant "Spike" of 950% More Nitric Oxide! {chart} BENEFITS: Strength Intensity Recover Energy Size Pumps Stamina Focus Power BLACK POWDER>{black} REGULAR POWDER>{grey} MINUTES 0 90 TRAINING EFFECT See how your strength, energy, focus, intensity, stamina, and power blast through previous barriers. Notice how your recoveries and muscle growth reach never-before-seen levels. This is the stunning result of applying the ACTINOS2IR technology (950% "Instant" increase in N.O.) to Black Powder's precision-calibrated training formula. It creates "cellular explosions" that "light up" a stunning array of metabolic targets, giving you the best workout of your life.* Rev. 081407


This product does not contain yeast, soy, or wheat (gluten).


This product is intended only for consumption by healthy adults 18 years of age or older. Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing, prone to dehydration or may be exposed to excessive heat. WARNING: Consult a physician before using this product if you are unaware of your current health condition, have any pre-existing medical condition, or are taking medication for, but not limited to: high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver or thyroid disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, pernicious anemia or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement. CAUTION: This product contains caffeine. Do not take within 4 hours of bed time. Do not take more than 3 scoops within a 24-hr period. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. Consult a physician if you are allergic to alpha-lipoic acid or other sulfur-containing compounds, or taking an MAO inhibitor or any other medication. Reduce or discontinue use if sleeplessness, tremor, dizziness, nervousness, headaches, or heart palpitations occur.

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