N.O. Black Powder Orange Burst

MRI N.O. Black Powder Orange Burst - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

20.0 Single Serving Stick Pack(s)

Serving Size

1.0 Stick Pack(s) [15 g]


calories from fat0.0
total fat0.0g
saturated fat0.0g
trans fat0.0g
total carbohydrate6.0g
dietary fiber0.0g
proprietary blend for size recovery3000.0mg
proprietary blend for strength power2000.0mg
proprietary blend for stamina and endurance1101.0mg
proprietary blend for muscle energy metabolism972.0mg
proprietary blend of insulin sensitizers500.0mg
proprietary blend of neuromodulators for focus intensity202.0mg


The ACTINOS2 IR ?INSTANT RELEASE? TRAINING EFFECT Pre-Training Formula, Powered by an Instant ?Spike? of 950% More Nitric Oxide! (chart) BENEFITS: STRENGTH INTENSITY RECOVERY ENERGY SIZE PUMPS STAMINA FOCUS POWER BLACK POWDER > REGULAR POWDER > EFFECT ON TRAINING MINUTES: 0 90 * Strength * Energy * Focus * Intensity * Size * Pumps * Stamina * Recovery * Power U.S. PATENT PENDING This chart represents the overwhelming Black Powder effect. See how your strength, energy, focus, intensity, stamina, and power blast through previous barriers. Notice how your recoveries and muscle growth reach never-before-seen levels. This is the stunning result of applying the ACTINOS2 IR technology (950% ?Instant? increase in N.O.) to Black Powder?s precision-calibrated training formula. It creates ?cellular explosions? that ?light up? a stunning array of metabolic targets, giving you the best workout of your life.?? "INSTANT RELEASE" NOS UP-REGULATING PRE-TRAINING FORMULA 950% MORE NITRIC OXIDE INSTANT RELEASE TECHNOLOGY! Rev. 010208


Contains milk. This product does not contain yeast, soy, or wheat (gluten).


Contains milk. CAUTION: This product contains caffeine. Do not take within 4 hours of bed time. Do not take more than 3 servings within a 24-hour period. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN. WARNING: Consult a physician before using this product if you are unaware of your current health conditions, have any pre-existing medical condition, or are taking medication for, but not limited to high or low blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke, heart, liver or thyroid disease, anxiety, depression, seizure disorder, psychiatric disease, diabetes, pernicious anemia or difficulty urinating due to prostate enlargement. Consult a physician if you are taking a MAO inhibitor or any other medication. Do not use if you are pregnant, nursing, prone to dehydration or may be exposed to excessive heat. Reduce or discontinue use if sleeplessness, tremor, dizziness, nervousness, headaches, or heart palpitations occur. This product is intended only for consumption by healthy adults 18 years of age and older. Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water per day while using this product.

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