Hardy Nutritionals

Hardy Nutritionals is a family-owned business that focuses on manufacturing high-quality, science-based nutritional supplements to support mental health and wellness worldwide. The company has been in operation since 1996 and is headquartered in British Columbia, Canada. Hardy Nutritionals offers a range of products that include multivitamins, mineral supplements, and abridged medical foods that are designed to help support brain health and neurological functioning.
The company mainly focuses on the development of evidence-based micronutrient formulations that are designed to help individuals suffering from mental health problems such as anxiety, ADHD, depression, and bipolar disorders, among others. Hardy Nutritionals uses rigorous scientific studies, process controls, and quality assurance programs to ensure that their formulations are safe, effective, and accurately labeled. In recent years, the company has collaborated with leading medical institutions around the world to research the efficacy of their products as adjunctive therapy for various mental health conditions. Overall, Hardy Nutritionals is a trusted brand with a track record of producing science-backed mental health supplements.