VSL Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

VSL Pharmaceuticals, Inc. produces a variety of probiotic medical foods, supplements and probiotic medical foods under the VSL#3 brand. Their products are formulated to promote the balance of gastrointestinal microflora and support the immune system. VSL#3 products are created using a proprietary formulation that contains a specific concentration of live beneficial bacteria. These products have been clinically tested and have been found to be an effective treatment for a range of digestive disorders.
In addition to their probiotic supplements, VSL Pharmaceuticals also offers a program called VSL#3 Patient Direct, which is a program that is designed to help patients obtain the VSL#3 supplements from the comfort of their own home. The program offers a range of benefits such as free shipping and discounts on the VSL#3 supplements, making it an affordable and convenient way for patients to manage their digestive disorders. Overall, VSL Pharmaceuticals is a trusted brand that is committed to helping patients improve their digestive health through quality probiotic supplements.