Core Daily-1
This product is no longer available
This product was taken off the market by the manufacturer around May 30, 2017

Product Type
Packaging Size
Serving Size
1.0 Tablet(s)
vitamin c | 10.0 | mg |
vitamin b-6 | 5.0 | mg |
vitamin b-12 | 100.0 | mcg |
vitamin k | 81.0 | mcg |
vitamin a | 2500.0 | iu |
vitamin d | 400.0 | iu |
vitamin e | 50.0 | iu |
lactobacillus rhamnosus | 420000.0 | units |
lactobacillus acidophilus | 360000.0 | units |
bifidobacterium lactis | 300000.0 | units |
bifidobacterium longum | 120000.0 | units |
proprietary mens health blend | 227.0 | mg |
calcium | 116.0 | mg |
betaine | 76.0 | mg |
sharp-ps gold | 56.0 | mg |
inositol | 54.0 | mg |
phosphorus | 51.0 | mg |
magnesium | 50.0 | mg |
choline bitartrate | 30.0 | mg |
pantothenic acid | 26.0 | mg |
citrus bioflavonoid complex | 25.0 | mg |
choline | 12.0 | mg |
niacin | 5.0 | mg |
riboflavin | 5.0 | mg |
thiamin | 5.0 | mg |
zinc | 5.0 | mg |
manganese | 2.0 | mg |
boron | 1.0 | mg |
lycopene | 1.0 | mg |
copper | 0.25 | mg |
folic acid | 400.0 | mcg |
biotin | 300.0 | mcg |
selenium | 70.0 | mcg |
chromium | 50.0 | mcg |
molybdenum | 25.0 | mcg |
lipase | 1.5 | lu |
protease | 154.0 | hu |
amylase | 53.0 | du |
cellulase | 0.62 | cu |
Saw Palmetto
Pygeum & Pumpkin Seed Extracts
Full Spectrum Digestive Enzymes
28 Organic Whole Fruits, Vegetables and Grains
Organic 100% Inner Fillet Aloe Vera
Includes Organic Whole Food Vitamin C
Sharp PS(R) GOld
Full Spectrum Probiotic Blend
Coenzyme B-Vitamins ~Supports Energy Metabolism Product No. 8194 04B11M As a reminder, discuss the supplements and medications that you take with your health care providers. See box for Lot. No. and Best by Date information. This product has been manufactured at an NSF GMP Registered facility. MULTIVITAMINS
1DAILY +Country Life always labels minerals in elemental weight. H.U.~ Haemoglobin Units
C.U.~Cellulase Units
D.U.~Dextrinizing Units
Lac.U.~Lactase Units
L.U.~ Lipase Units
Contains milk, soy and fish (blue whiting, herring). ~Whole Food Based Multi
~Probiotics and Enzymes
~Coenzyme B-Vitamins
~Saw Palmetto, Pygeum, Lycopene, and Pumpkin Seed Extract NO: Wheat, gluten, artificial color, artificial flavor, or artificial sweeteners. MEN 50+ Other unique ingredients targeted specifically to Men 50+ include:
~Saw Palmetto
~Organic Pumpkin Seed Extract
Core Daily(TM)-1 for Men 50+ includes enzymes for digestive support and also includes:
~Organic Aloe Vera (100% Inner Fillet ActiveAloe(R))
~Betaine Hydrochloride
WARNING: If you are pregnant, nursing, diabetic, hypoglycemic, taking medication or planning a surgery, consult your doctor before using this product. Contains milk, soy and fish (blue whiting, herring). Keep out of reach of children. If any adverse reactions occur, stop taking the product and consult your doctor. Do not accept if seal is broken.