Whey Cool Natural Chocolate

Designs For Health Whey Cool Natural Chocolate - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

900.0 Gram(s)

Serving Size

30.0 Gram(s) [approx. one scoop]




calories from fat15.0
total fat1.5g
saturated fat0.5g
total carbohydrate5.0g
bovine serum albumin1.4g


Manufactured in an NSF GMP Registered Facility The milk harvested for this product comes from cows that graze year-round on pesticide-free and chemical-free natural grass pastures. Milk from grass-fed cows has many times higher levels of CLA and contains a proper balance of essential fatty acids. The milking cows are never fed grain or subjected to any growth hormones, chemicals, antibiotics, genetically modified organisms, hyperimmunization or injected pathogens. All other commercially available whey proteins use high heat pasteurization on the milk and whey. High heat does irreversible damage (denaturation) to the majority of the components of milk and may cause intolerance even in individuals who have no history of milk allergies. Typical Amino Acid Profile grams/30 gram Serving Alanine 1.1 g Arginine 0.6 g Aspartic acid 2.5 g Cysteine 0.5 g Glutamic acid 4.0 g Glycine 0.4 g Histidine 0.4 g Isoleucine 1.4 g Leucine 2.4 g Typical Amino Acid Profile grams/30 gram Serving Lysine 2.1 g Methionine 0.4 g Phenylalanine 0.7 g Proline 1.3 g Serine 1.2 g Threonine 1.7 g Tryptophan 0.4 g Tyrosine 0.7 g Valine 1.3 g WCC900-1 Proprietary Non-Denatured Whey Protein - Unique Low Heat Processed - High in Glutathione Precursors Notice: This is a natural product that may exhibit color, taste, and density variations from lot to lot. It contains naturally occuring micronutrients; therefore amounts may vary within the whey protein profile. For Professional Use Only We do not use cross-flow filtration, microfiltration, hydrolyzation or ion exchange methods which denature the original proteins.


This full range, biologically active, complete amino acid profile native protein naturally contains an exceptional amount of the critical glutathione precursor covalent bonded cysteine. Additionally it contains the full range and exceptional levels of the most important protein components, which are lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, serum albumin, active peptides, glycomacropeptides and growth factors. Contains: Milk. Does not contain gluten. - 3.2 g Immunoglobulins - 1.3 g Lactoferrin - rBGH Free


Contains: Milk.

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