Bladder Control Advantage
This product is no longer available
This product was taken off the market by the manufacturer around Jun 17, 2020

Product Type
Packaging Size
Serving Size
1.0 Capsule(s),
proprietary herbal blend | 550.0 | mg |
Gluten Free Adult (18 - 50 Years) NP Dietary Supplement Ancient Ayurvedic secret for urine leakage
There's no question that Ayurvedic medicine has given us some of our most powerful and effective health solutions - and that's definitely true with bladder health. Traditional healer in India struck gold when they discovered the power of three leak caper. Research shows it increases the muscle tone in the bladder area - a powerful contributor of bladder control. I had to include this powerhouse in Bladder Control Advantage.
There's no reason to live with less than healthy bladder control - especially since we have highly effective, natural breakthroughs that can help. Bladder Control Advantage makes a very real difference in your everyday life and how you feel. You'll no longer have an embarrassing secret to hide. Get your life back - try Bladder Control Advantage today. It is thought by reducing this conversion, it helps tone your pelvic floor muscles helping to reduce the likelihood of occasional leaking. Plus, it helps relax those same muscles when you're in the bathrooms so you can empty your bladder more fully - reducing the constant urge to go. The research is impressive! Open label clinical trails suggest the potential benefits of the ingredients in the Bladder Control Advantage including reduced nighttime urination, better sleep, reduced trips to the restroom, and greater bladder control. My Bladder Control Advantage provides full support for healthy bladder function, less nighttime urination, and better bladder control. You'll soon notice less annoying nighttime interruptions resulting in better sleep quality and be able to laugh with less worry. Searching the world for better health.
Promotes bladder comfort and control Support bladder control and healthy bladder function
Promotes urinary continence
Helps reduce the frequency of urination
Supports healthy bladder function GF
Gluten Free Doctor's suggested use: For the first two weeks, take 1 capsule 3 times daily. Afterward, take 2 capsules daily, 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening.
Bladder Control Advantage gives you the same proprietary blend of pumpkin seed extract and soy isoflavones as the research studies. Clinically studied ingredients helps empty bladder more fully
Japanese researchers found that water-soluble pumpkin seed extract and special soy isoflavones inhibit enzyme that converts testosterone to estradiol (estrogen). Contains: Soy GF
Gluten Free
Contains: Soy Keep out of reach of children. Note: Pregnant or lactating women should consult a health care professional before taking this product.