100% Casein Protein Chocolate Supreme

GNC Pro Performance 100% Casein Protein Chocolate Supreme -

Product Type

Packaging Size

32.0 Oz(s)
34.51 oz.

Serving Size

1.0 Level Scoop(s) [42g]




calories from fat15.0
total fat1.5g
saturated fat1.0g
trans fat0.0g
total carbohydrate11.0g
dietary fiber5.0g


21 SERVINGS TYPICAL NATURALLY OCCURRING AMINO ACIDS PER SERVING: Alanine 676 mg Arginine 885 mg Aspartic Acid 1622 mg Cystine 83 mg Glutamine 5050 mg Glycine 524 mg Histidine 704 mg Isoleucine 1339 mg Leucine 2173 mg Lysine 1858 mg Methionine 653 mg Phenylalanine 1168 mg Proline 2469 mg Serine 1422 mg Threonine 1066 mg Tryptophan 296 mg Tyrosine 1367 mg Valine 1645 mg Total 25000 mg Indicates Branched Chain Amino Acid (BCAA). Significant product settling may occur. {QRC} SCAN & LEARN MORE CODE 351178 ANG Daily Recovery This chart compares the branched chain amino acid (BCAA) absorption after consuming casein and whey protein. When compared to whey, casein concentration was significantly lower after one hour, forty minutes, but increased after five hours. {Chart} Plasma Amino Acids CASEIN VS. WHEY PROTEIN ABSORPTION CASEIN WHEY 5 Hours In a randomized, double-blind controlled study of sixteen healthy adults, subjects consumed either whey protein or casein containing equal amounts of leucine. While plasma branched chain amino acid (BCAA) levels were highest at 100 minutes post-supplementation in subjects who consumed whey protein, after 300 minutes (5 hours) BCAA levels were higher in subjects who consumed casein compared to those who took whey protein. SUSTAINED RELEASE TO FUEL POSITIVE NITROGEN BALANCE Calories: 2000 2500 Total Fat Less than 65g 80g Sat. Fat Less than 20g 25g Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg Sodium Less than 2400mg 2400mg Potassium 3500mg 3500mg Total Carbohydrate 300g 375g Dietary Fiber 25g 30g Calories per gram: Fat 9 - Carbohydrate 4 - Protein 4 GNC researchers created a superior casein protein formula that delivers results and tastes great. Each serving mixes up instantly with a blender, shaker cup, or spoon for a creamy smooth shake-it's that easy! Casein protein is a slow-releasing protein with great muscle fueling potential. It features properties that slowly release amino acids into the bloodstream to feed muscles. It naturally provides key amino acids, such as glutamine and branched chain amino acids, so casein protein is excellent between meals and before bed for sustained amino acid delivery. As an ideal nitrogen-fueling supplement, this casein formula delivers an effective formula to help fuel your muscles' previous supply of nitrogen, since your muscles can only grow when your body is in positive nitrogen balance. Mixes Instantly with Delicious, Smooth Taste


Features Quality Caseinate Micro-Fractions 25G PROTEIN NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVORS The specially treated and delicate micro-fraction forms of micellar and calcium casein protein found in GNC Pro Performance(R) 100% Casein Protein release their glutamine-rich amino acids very slowly to the muscles. 25g of Slow-Release Protein Delivers Steady Amino Release CONTAINS: Milk and Soybeans. 25G PROTEIN - 160 CALORIES - 1G SUGAR - 11G CARBS


NOTICE: Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction. CONTAINS: Milk and Soybeans.

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