
Isatori H-Blocker - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

1.36 lb

Serving Size

1.0 Scoop(s)




calories from fat0.0
total fat0.0g
saturated fat0.0g
trans fat0.0g
total carbohydrate8.0g
dietary fiber0.0g
vitamin b65.25mg
hydrogen-binder and ph controlling nutrient matrix3.77g


FRUIT PUNCH New research indicated the patent-pending nutrient matrix, found only in H-Blocker, rapidly aids in the synthesis of carnosine, which soaks up muscle-fatiguing hydrogen ions like a sponge and stabilizes pH levels in skeletal muscles? and when combined with a healthy diet and intense weight-training program, allows you to experience: ? Immediate, Explosive Strength and Power Gains ? Significant Delays in the Onset of Muscular Fatigue ? On-Going, Permanent Muscular Growth 0002090630 If you, or your doctor, have any questions about this product, please call 1-303-215-9174. Delays Muscle Fatigue So You Can Train Harder, Heavier, and Longer! Why do you need H-Blocker-The world?s first Carnosine Booster? During intense exercise, the release of hydrogen ions are accelerated; followed by a decrease in pH levels?a process called ?muscular acidosis??which causes muscle fatigue, weakness, and ultimately physical exhaustion. CONTAINS ENOUGH FOR 30 WORKOUTS! That means, with H-Blocker, you?ll be able to push out more reps and heavier weights with less fatigue and faster recovery so you can GROW MUSCLE FASTER THAN YOU EVER IMAGINED! SCIENTIFIC STUDY: Tallon, M.J., et al., ?The carnosine content of vastus lateralis is elevated in resistance-trained bodybuilders,? J Strength Conditioning Sci 19.4 (2005) : 725-729 THE ORIGINAL BETA-ALANINE PRE-WORKOUT FORMULA INCREASES YOUR EXPLOSIVE MUSCULAR POWER OVER 77% WITH YOUR FIRST DOSE!*


Calories 2,000 2,500 - Total Fat Less Than 65g 80g - Saturated Fat Less Than 20g 25g - Cholesterol Less Than 300mg 300mg - Sodium Less Than 2,400mg 2,400mg - Total Carbohydrates 300g 375g - Dietary Fiber 25g 30g - Protein 50g 65g - Calories per gram: Fat 9 ? Carbohydrate 4 ? Protein 4


KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. NOTICE: Do not exceed suggested daily dose. The contents of this formula may cause a blod-flow ?flush? and/or tingling sensation in the extremities of the body (e.g., the fingers, ears, toes, etc.). This is normal, and you should not be alarmed. This ?flush? sensation should subside after one to two weeks of continuous use. Do not use this product if you are pregnant, nursing, or contemplating pregnancy. Not intended for individuals under the age of 18, unless instructed by a doctor.

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