Dairy & Lactose Tolerance

This product is no longer available

This product was taken off the market by the manufacturer around Jan 01, 2012
ProCaps Laboratories Dairy & Lactose Tolerance - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

240.0 Easy To Swallow Capsule(s)

Serving Size

1.0 Capsule(s)


proprietary digestive enzyme blend415.0mg


600531 08.26.09 PC Andrew Lessman?s DAIRY AND LACTOSE TOLERANCE is a mild, all-natural enzyme supplement designed to gently and effectively enhance your body?s natural digestion of dairy products and lactose (?milk sugar?). Dairy products are an excellent source of calcium and protein, but unfortunately for many people, they are also difficult to digest comfortably. The culprit is lactose, the natural sugar present in milk and dairy products, which can be very difficult for many people to digest, particularly as we get older, causing gas, diarrhea, bloating and significant discomfort. The severity of the gastrointestinal discomfort ? referred to as ?Lactose Intolerance,? depends on the individual and can in many cases prevent the consumption and certainly, the enjoyment of any dairy products. Dairy and Lactose Tolerance contains a natural blend of enzymes to help your body break down lactose and avoid the discomfort. As we get older, we produce less lactase (the enzyme that digests lactose), so the dairy products we formerly enjoyed in our youth are no longer comfortable to consume. The mild, yet powerful natural enzymes in Dairy and Lactose Tolerance help to alleviate the dairy and lactose-related gastric upset while you enjoy the taste and health benefits of the dairy products you love. Digests Lactose (Dairy & Milk Sugar) All -Natural Enzyme Complex Relieves Lactose Intolerance




NOTE This product is not designed for use with or to treat any digestive disease or GI health condition.

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