TC-F Isolate Chocolate

ProSupps TC-F Isolate Chocolate - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

2.2 lbs
4.4 lbs

Serving Size

1.0 Scoop(s) [23g]




calories from fat0.0
total fat0.0g
saturated fat0.0g
trans fat0.0g
total carbohydrate0.0g
dietary fiber0.0g
vitamin a0.0%
vitamin c0.0%


NO PROTEIN COMPARES. RESULTS...PERIOD! High Performance Isolate WHY TC-F ISOLATE(TM)? NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL FLAVOR It is an easily digested pure whey isolate that quickly delivers full-spectrum amino acids into the blood thereby maximizing protein synthesis and preventing muscle tissue breakdown. With 20 grams of the purest whey isolate protein available, you get a protein with the highest level of absorption and bioavailability.+ - Mixes Instantly, NO Clumping+ This cold ultra-filtration method prevents the denaturing of the protein and yields a very highly bioactive whey protein isolate. This means MORE USABLE PROTEIN PER SCOOP......After all, you are paying for protein you can USE right? You are not "AVERAGE" so don't buy a protein that is... {images} FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM, FACEBOOK AND TWITTER. CONTENTS SOLD BY WEIGHT NOT VOLUME; SOME SETTLING MAY OCCUR. RESULTS...PERIOD! - Easily digested+ - Triple Cold Filtered (4x smaller than micro filtered)+


Calories 2,000 2,500 Total Fat Less than 65g 80g Saturated Fat Less than 20g 25g Cholesterol Less than 300mg 300mg Dietary Fiber 25g 30g Calories per gram: Fat 9 - Carbohydrate 4 - Protein 4 Contains: milk and soy (as a soy lecithin). 100% WHEY PROTEIN ISOLATE - Zero Carb & Zero Fat+ - Lactose, Gluten & Sugar Free+ - Fast absorption, pure why isolate, ideal for pre/post workout+ TC-F ISOLATE does not contain soy protein - Absolutely NO Ion Exchange, heated or acid treated protein+ GLUTEN FREE - Zero carbs, Zero fat+


Contains: milk and soy (as a soy lecithin). Allergen Warning: Manufactured on equipment which processes milk, egg, soybeans, wheat, tree nuts and peanut. KEEP OUT OF THE REACH OF CHILDREN.

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