Nanoemulsified Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD 240

Quicksilver Scientific Nanoemulsified Full Spectrum Hemp Extract CBD 240 - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

1.0 fl. Oz.30.0 mL

Serving Size

2.0 mL [4 Pumps],




full spectrum hemp extract21.0mg


Adult (18 - 50 Years) NP Dietary Supplement Powering natural health Quicksilver Delivery Systems Suggested use: Take 4 pumps and hold in mouth for 30 seconds before swallowing. Increase frequency of use if needed or as directed by healthcare professional. Take on an empty stomach at least 10 minutes before meals. May be stirred into a small amount of water.


Immediate effect - superior delivery Quicksilver Delivery Systems: Our nutraceuticals utilize modern science to unleash the power of nature. Our advanced phospholipid delivery systems nourish your cells as they deliver their core ingredients faster and more effectively than conventional supplement formats.


Use caution if subject to drug screening. Please be advised hemp extract can cause positive test results. If pregnant consult physician before use.

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