-Vitamin deficiency states.
-Helping in pregnancy and lactation.
-Contributes to the treatment of states of exhaustion and infections diseases.
-Nutritional supplement. Physio-pharmacological EFFECTS: MULGATOL participates in important functions through proper multivitamin composition:
-Maintains the proper function of all cells, tissues and organs, including the functions of the digestive, nervous and cardio-vascular.
-Participate actively in the process of growth and development through their meaningful action on the metabolism of various nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
-Helps maintain the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes (and thus reinforce the defense against infection).
-Maintains adequate levels of calcium and phosphorous (and thus the normal structure and formation of bones and teeth).
-Involved in the mechanisms of stress.
-Maintains an adequate vision.
-Maintains the vitality and muscle strength. ADVERSE REACTIONS
None known at the indicated dose. Dosage form Jelly DESCRIPTION
Therapeutic class: Multivitamin. CONTRAINDICATIONS:
None known at the recommended dose.
Pharmacokinetics PRECAUTIONS
Do not exceed the recommended dose. If symptoms persist consult your doctor.
Higher doses, prescription.