Omega-3 Krill Oil Extra Strength 500 mg

Schiff MegaRed Omega-3 Krill Oil Extra Strength 500 mg - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

Serving Size

1.0 Softgel(s)




calories from fat5.0
total fat0.5g
krill oil500.0mg
total omega-3 fatty acids115.0mg


040215 8208510 This product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the MSC?s standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery. Since 1936 Compare to fish oil MegaRed softgel Fish Oil softgel 100% pure Antarctic Krill oil check Contains Omega-3 Fatty acids check check Just one small softgel per day check No fishy aftertaste check In phospholipid form for easy absorption check Contains powerful antioxidant astaxanthin check MegaRed Omega-3 Krill oil is carried in phospholipid form so it is easily recognized and utilized by your body, giving easy absorption. Eco-Friendly. Krill is one of earth?s most abundant and sustainable organisms. The harvest of krill is well below conservative international catch guidelines. Gelatin is derived from bovine sources. Research has shown that omega-3s may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Supportive, but not conclusive research shows that consumption of EPA and DHA Omega-3 fatty acids may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. 1 Based on a 30 day randomized, double blind, placebo controlled trial measuring the effect of 300 mg krill oil on CRP levels. 2 Based on 15 randomized controlled trials assessing the impact of omega-3 fatty acid intake on serum triglyceride levels. 3 Proprietary controlled human clinical study of 300 mg MegaRed for improving Omega-3 Index. Actual size To open tear here GUARANTEED for purity, freshness and labeled potency. Compare to fish oil Already within the normal range. Large pack +10 day supply rb Health Hygiene Home Heart health One Small Pill, No Fishy Aftertaste May reduce the risk of coronary heart disease


GUARANTEED: No added sugar (sucrose, fructose, lactose), salt (sodium chloride), yeast, wheat, gluten or milk. No preservatives or artificial colors. Contains shellfish (krill) 100% Pure, High Absorption Krill Oil MegaRed contains oil from 100% pure Antarctic krill, tiny crustaceans that thrive in the frigid waters of the Antarctic. Just one small MegaRed softgel provides an optimal combination of omega-3 fatty acids and the powerful antioxidant astaxanthin to support heart health.


Protected with a tamper evident seal. Do not use if seal under cap is broken or missing. WARNING: People with shellfish allergy, coagulopathy or taking anticoagulants or other medications should notify their physician and be tested prior to taking dietary supplements. Contains shellfish (krill) Keep out of reach of children. WARNING: People with shellfish allergy, coagulopathy or taking anticoagulants or other medications should notify their physician and be tested prior to taking dietary supplements. Note: If pregnant, breastfeeding or on prescribed medication, consult your physician before using this product.

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