Curamin PM

Terry Naturally Curamin PM - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

30.0 Capsule(s)
60.0 Capsule(s)

Serving Size

2.0 Capsule(s)




vitamin b660.0mg
proprietary complex1400.0mg


Color variations are normal. Nighttime pain Stop pain now For your good health Terry - Non-habit-forming?safe to use regularly - No morning grogginess - Sleep soundly and wake refreshed Sleep your pain away BX10330.09 JC 34 91 + 3(5,6)EP L10330.12 Nighttime pain - stop pain now Money-back guarantee A good night's sleep is even more important when you're suffering from pain. But pain keeps many people from getting the rest they need. All ingredients established in human studies for safety and effectiveness. Does not interfere with stomach, liver or kidney function. Visit to read what others have experienced. Occasional muscle pain due to exercise or overuse


No sugar, salt, yeast, wheat, gluten, corn, soy, dairy products, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, or artificial preservatives. Powerful ingredients for nighttime pain - This clinically studied Curcumin provides pain relief. It delivers proven results for consistent benefits shown in 29 published studies. - This unique Boswellia is clinically studied and standardized to contain up to 10 times the beneficial compound AKBA as unstandardized extracts, as well as having reduced levels of undesirable beta-boswellic acid. - DLPA helps support the effects of endorphins, the brain?s ?feel good? hormones. - Melatonin helps set your sleep-wake cycle, which is especially important for travelers, shift workers, or anyone with occasional sleeplessness. - Vitamin B6 as Pyridoxal-5-Phosphate (P-5-P) can be used by the body because it is already in the bioactive form. Vitamin B6 is a factor in serotonin production and other reactions in the body that determine mood and nervous system function. Clinically studied Curcumin Vegan CRC Kosher 328 Non-GMO


If pregnant or nursing, consult a healthcare practitioner before use.

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