Vitargo S2 Unflavored/Unsweetened

Vitargo Vitargo S2 Unflavored/Unsweetened - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

2.98 lbs
1.65 lbs 4.13 lbs

Serving Size

2.0 Level Scoop(s)




calories from fat0.0
total fat0.0g
total carbohydrate70.0g


PRE~INTRA~POST {chart} 60 {white square} MALTODEXTRIN 100 1.7X {red square} VITARGO GLYCOGEN REFUELING SPEED/2 HOURS 1.7X FASTER MUSCLE GLYCOGEN CARBS DELIVERED TO INTESTINE GRAMS/10 MIN RECOVERY PERFORMANCE (KJ) UP TO 23% GREATER GASTRIC EMPTYING 2.3X FASTER Not a low calorie product References 1. Leiper JB, et al. Improved gastric emptying rate in humans of a unique glucose polymer with gel-forming properties. Scand J Gastroenterol 2000; 35:1143-9 2. Aulin KP, et al. Muscle glycogen resynthesis rate in humas after supplementation of drinks containing carbohydrates with low and high molecular masses. Eur J Appl Physiol 2000; 81:346-51. 3. Stephens FB, et al. Post-exercise ingestion of a unique, high molecular weight glucose polymer solution improves performance during a subsequent bout of cycling exercise. J Sports Sci 2008; 26:149-54. Manufactured in the USA at a cGMP facility. 36 SCOOPS 18 SERVINGS For more details, see ~ Leaves the stomach quicker 2.3x faster than maltodextrin + sugars - in the first 10 minutes after indigestion.1 This leads to less stomach "distress" and faster delivery of muscle energy. ~ Gets into muscle faster 1.7x faster glycogen re/fueling than maltodextrin + sugars after exhaustive workouts.2 ~ Boosts performance in your next workout Up to 23% greater maximal endurance (average of 10% greater) 2 hours after exhaustive, glycogen-depleting exercise, compared to maltodextrin + sugars.3 ~ Turns off muscle protein breakdown 1.8x faster/higher insulin response than maltodextrin + sugars, within 10 minutes3 - the most potent, natural way to activate the anti-catabolic signals that spare muscle protein. VITARGO-Specific Research - this actual product is university proven in HUMANS BLOAT-FREE FUELING For more detailed info, go to ~ 2.3X FASTER GASTRIC EMPTYING ~ 2X FASTER GLYCEMIC RISE ~ 1.7X FASTER GLYCOGEN Vitargo's patented IVg technology delivers faster gut transit, glycemic and insulin responses, muscle glycogen refueling, and performance. No other carb has this span of proof.


SUGAR-FREE DRINK MIX GLUTEN-FREE (via ELISA testing each batch) Vitargo S2 is 100% sugar-free, lab tested gluten-free, and certified undetectable banned substances.


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