Syngex Vanilla Dream

VPX Syngex Vanilla Dream - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

5.0 lb

Serving Size

26.0 Gram(s)




calories from fat10.0
total fat1.5g
saturated fat0.5g
trans fat0.0g
total carbohydrate3.0g
dietary fiber0.0g


V005 Multi-Species Protein Blend The most consistent and effective way to lose weight and unwanted body fat is by consuming a high protein/low carbohydrate diet (with moderate dietary fat intake). This is primarily due to the fact that protein has a spectacular three-phase assault on body fat: 1) protein causes the body to release a hormone called glucagon that frees up stored body fat to be used as energy, 2) protein builds muscle tissue - the site at which fat is burned; consequently, more muscle equals greater fat burning capacity, and 3) to digest protein, the body has to expand a great deal of energy; this process is called the "thermic effect" of dietary protein. Protein produces by far the greatest thermic effect of any food. While it is true that one of the keys to losing weight is to expend more calories than we consume, the most important secret for long term fat and weight loss is to control the hormone insulin. Insulin release is consistent with the amount and/or type of carbohydrates we consume. This hormone also causes our body to store fat and can prevent stored body fat from being utilized as energy. However, if we control insulin with a low carbohydrate diet, we also reduce our body weight and body fat. Awesome taste engineered by VPX flavor experts! Roughly 10 years ago VPX was the first company ever to release a ceramic filtered Whey Protein Isolate supplement called, cross flow microfiltration. This created quite a stir in the supplement industry because until this time, only whey protein concentrate (WPC) or low grade Ion Exchange WPI was available. Contents sold by weight not volume. Some settling may occur. When combined with resistance exercise and sensible diet. Use only as a dietary supplement. Do not use for weight reduction. Natural & Artificial Flavors Protein is unquestionably the single most important nutrient for dramatically redefining and improving your physique.


100% Whey Protein The Power of Syngex W/SRO New SRO Whey Protein Isolate as SPIROFUSE REVERSE OSMOSIS! Whey Protein Isolate by Reverse Osmosis Spirofuse Filtration! Intact Fat Globule IGF Rich Whey Protein Concentrate! Rich in Bio-Active Protein Micro-Fractions! ZERO Corn Syrup Solids Or Hydrogenated Oils ZERO Fat-promoting High Glycemic Index Maltodexrins ZERO Caseinates, Ion Exchange or Other Old-School Proteins ZERO Estrogen Promoting Inferior Soy Proteins SYNGEX Protein is a synergistic blend of Whey Protein Isolate & Concentrate and can be utilized to supplement any type of low-carbohydrate diet. Contains: Milk and soy (as soy lecithin)


Contains: Milk and soy (as soy lecithin) Allergen Warning: Produced in a facility that processes milk, egg, soy, wheat, tree nuts and peanut. Keep out of reach of children.

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