Warrior Greens

Warrior Force Warrior Greens -

Product Type

Packaging Size

500.0 Gram(s)

Serving Size

10.0 Gram(s) [approximately 1.5 level Tbsp.]




total carbohydrate3.2g
dietary fiber1.5g
warrior land force5166.0mg
warrior waters3754.0mg
warrior oceans980.0mg
warrior enzyme concentrate85.0mg
warriorbiotics probiotics15.0mg
total calories32.0


WHAT IS A TRUE WARRIOR(TM) It's easy to be an aggressive, selfish, mean, assh%&e! Just combine a bad attitude with some "roids" or take legal substances that imbalance your body and hormones. Then you are just a Barbarian. A True Warrior(TM) is kind (to others - even kind to non-warriors, kind to animals, and kind to the earth), unselfish, caring, and lives consciously by a code of ethics/honor such as Bushido (Samurai), or Chivalry (Knights), yet at the same time is completely willing to stand up for those who need it, & unleash a fury of appropriate force should battle be required. A True Warrior(TM) is conscious of all the choices made in life, and is open-minded. The world needs more True Warriors(TM). Are you a True Warrior(TM)? ~Dr. Jameth Sheridan (D.H.M.) Doctor of Holistic Medicine & Proud True Warrior(TM) ~Cleansing ~Detoxifying* ~Enhances Regularity* ~Endurance ~Muscularity ~Supports: ~Liver~Kidneys~Blood~Bones~Muscles~Brain~Colon~Immune Function* BRING IT! Whether you are a professional athlete or a "weekend warrior", this is the best possible green food you can get. Extremely potent & comprehensive array of nature's most nutritive and cleansing superfoods. Contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring absorbable and non-toxic vitamins, minerals, all the essential amino acids (protein), antioxidants, chlorophyll, soluble and insoluble fibers, tens of thousands of healing phytonutrients, and a plethora of other synergetically bound, organic nutrients. Label Made with 100% Post Consumer Recycled Paper & Produced with Wind Energy. ~100% Actual Food(TM) ~100% Superfoods ~100% TruGanic(TM) ~100% Green Focused: Green foods are perhaps the most healing foods on the planet, and the single most important addition you can make to your diet. ~Perfectly Balanced Nutrition 100% TruGanic(TM): Since the USDA now owns Organic, pesticides/poisons are allowed in Organic products under many circumstances! ...and many pure foods like wildcrafted herbs/superfoods are NOT considered organic, even if grown organically and 100% verified free of pesticides, Genetic Modification (Franken Foods), and irradiation! Not recommended to mix with dairy milks. Mixing with carrot juice may produce gas. NO HOLDS BARRED, HARD-CORE, ALL-OUT, BATTLE READY, 100% WHOLE FOOD, FOUNDATIONAL GREEN SUPERFOOD COMPLEX FOR THE ENTIRE BODY ~Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Elements, Healing Phytonutrients ~Boost your performance and health ~Alkaline balance supports lactic acid removal & exercise recovery ~100% Raw (20+ years) OLD UPC 6 50786 00987 4 THE STORY OF WARRIORFORCE(TM) I have been into athletics all of my life. Not just "sports", but hard-hitting, muscle-pumping, heart-pounding, mentally-grueling, endurance-testing sports... Warrior Sports. I would rather die than be denied my Warrior Spirit - that is just who I am! I am also hard-core in to health! Unfortunately, sports "nutrition" products usually have nothing to do with actual health. They are notoriously UNhealthy, many of them downright toxic - ultimately contributing to a Warrior's demise. I am a Naturopath and Herbal medicine researcher, and have embraced a hard-core healing lifestyle for 26 years, during which I have seen Warriors who had healthy looking physiques degenerate and die much too soon (or die suddenly) due to their toxic diet, lifestyle and supplements. NOT ANYMORE. I have long envisioned the day when Warriors can be fueled by real food and 100% natural non-toxic superfoods. THAT DAY IS TODAY.


~No isolated nutrients ~100% Gluten-Free ~100% Yeast-Free ~100% Vegan NO toxic, synthetic or isolated nutrients or compounds (not excreted as expensive yellow urine or stored as toxic deposits in your tissues). NOT Diluted with grains, beans, maca, fibers, fruits, fillers, seeds/chia/flax


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