
This product is no longer available

This product was taken off the market by the manufacturer around Aug 21, 2017
NeoLife Nutritionals PhytoDefense - supplement

Product Type


Packaging Size

30.0 Packet(s)

Serving Size

1.0 Packet(s)


calories from fat14.0
total fat1.5g
total carbohydrate2.0g
vitamin c100.0mg
vitamin a7500.0iu
vitamin e18.0iu
carotenoid complex blend900.0mg
flavonoid complex blend654.0mg
cruciferous plus blend525.0mg


Flavonoid Complex and Cruciferous Plus have been tested and proven under United States National Cancer Institute protocols to protect and defend cells. Carotenoid Complex is a patented formula proven to protect the heart, defend cells and boost immunity.* POWERFUL PHYTONUTRIENT PROTECTION Broad phytonutrient protection of six optimal servings of selected fruits and vegetables in one convenient pack, containing 3 softgels of our exclusive patented Carotenoid Complex, 2 Flavonoid Complex tablets, and 1 Cruciferous Plus tablet. GNLD Scientific Advisory Board Leading edge nutrition since 1958. Based in Nature, Backed by Science. Daily Phytonutrient Protection Pack Phytonutrient protection of six optimal servings of fruits & vegetables NOT SOLD IN RETAIL STORES. Available Exclusively from GNLD Distributors. {Recycle} Carotenoids contribute to antioxidant activity in cellular lipids, support normal cellular growth and renewal, and assist healthy levels of immune cell activity. Carotenoids promote a healthy cardiovascular system, including support for a healthy antioxidant response paired to LDL cholesterol. Dietary intake of the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin have been shown to support clear, healthy vision.* Flavonoids promote antioxidant activity, cellular health, and normal tissue growth and renewal throughout the body.* Cruciferous compounds - sulforaphane and indole-carbinol (from broccoli and other crucifer extracts) and D-limonene (from oranges) support enzyme activity linked to normal cell growth and renewal, especially of breast and prostate tissues. Soy provides isoflavones (e.g. genistein), that help maintain healthy hormonal activity.* Made in U.S.A. 1305 760829



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